Tuesday, September 14, 2010

oh no...

I haven't posted on the blog last week. oops!
I forgot to do that. Well, I am watching this sitcom/drama and I really really enjoying it. That's probably the reason why that I forgot to post on the blog.
Assignments due days are coming up and i have my major exam coming up too! hahahaha...
Last Friday, I went to see Eat Pray Love. It was quiet nice and good movie. I always planned that kind of travel in my life, but she actually did it. She gave me hope that I can do it too. I will earn money for few years and I'll just be gone someday and travel where I wanted to go the most. I'll explore, meet people, and maybe share the culture.
First, when I decided to go see that movie with my sister, I kind of hesitated. Because I usually don't watch like romance movies or something like it. I prefer like action movies and mystery/ horror. But this movie was like nothing like I prefer. But after I watched this movie, I learned a lot from it. Because, I love travel. I visited China, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Japan and Singapore. and from those travel, and since then I kind of open my eyes to travel and how fun I can have traveling around the world.
So.. I loved that movie. Eating all that delicious food in the movie made my mouth watery. ha!

1 comment:

  1. I want to see that movie!!!!
    I think that is so true when you travel to different countries, your eyes are truly open to new things!:)
