Wednesday, September 29, 2010

South Korea vs. North Korea

Wow...I guess I'm very tired. Because I can't find exact reason why I am keep falling asleep in my major class. OH MY GOSH!!!! I guess I will sleep tight from now on.
Interesting topic for these few weeks is .... North Korea. HA!
Well, the North Koreans preparing the BRAND NEW leader under secret. Because KIM JUNG IL is very very sick and very very old so, he is going to die within...I don't know.... probably....within a year. When I checked about that news today, there are two possible men whom might be the next North Korean leader after KIM JUNG IL. wow.... and Kim Jung Il has many many sons from what I heard. So, I guess it has been and it will be  tight fight between two men. GOOD LUCK with that guys!! haha...
One thing I'm kind of worry is another war between S.Korea and N.Korea. After North Koreans bombed one of S.Korean's battleship, the friendship between S.K(South Korea) and N.K (North Korea) is not very well. Funny thing is S.Korean assumes that N.Koreans did because there is no other country that will attack one of the battleship of S.Koreans'. We know they did it, but we don't have enough evidence to prove it.
So... there is high percentage of war between S.K and N.K. And that is going to be Korean War 2. and I believe there is going to be war or even huge conflict.
If S.K has high electricity technology,  N.K has atomic bomb/ weapon such as missile and strong army.
I mean....for S.K, we have to build up again from the beginning. And S.Ks grew up very quickly in economically, environmentally, technologically and governmental. So, if war is going to destroy everything, then S.Ks going to be discouraged to start up again. and also same for N.Ks. If they don't want to loose their cities and farms, they need to stop and apologize to S.Ks about the attacking S.K's battleship.
These days, I really do pay attention to war news. Haha.

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