Thursday, September 2, 2010


wow, it is already September. Time really goes fast. I always make a list of myself the things that I will achieve in this year, but I did not achieve most of them. how funny.
Well, I remember when I was young, and I remember that how I worried about how do I look when I grow up, or when I get into college. Now I look at the mirror, nothing changed much. And I guess I'm kind of okay with it. Well, I wanted to look way different from my childhood, but nothing really changed from young.

Sometimes I want to live as other person's life. Just for a day. I want to live a day as my mother and father, want to live a day as Beyonce, I want to live a day as other person who is playing a way different roll in life compare to mine.

I hate myself when I can't think of an idea.
and now I can't think anymore to write. NO IDEA.

1 comment:

  1. I've always had that same wish - to live a day as someone else. I think that's why I like to read. I can feel like I'm in someone else's head when I read a book.
